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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Crazy: Weighing the Pros and Cons of the Modern Nervous Breakdown.

(I originally posted this last Monday, the 15th of June, and then got up in the middle of the night to delete it because I thought it was just a little too close to the red zone on the crazy meter. But I'm going to post it now, because it's gotten just soooo much worse since then!!) Here goes:

Wouldn't it be a delicious relief to calmly lie down on the floor, in the middle of a crowded room, and just give up? Just say, "I can't do it anymore. I'm NOT doing it anymore. Someone else needs to steer the ship, because I......(pause for effect) heading straight for the iceberg." Perhaps, just to drive home the point extra convincingly, I could do this while wearing a pair of giant, white Mickey Mouse gloves...and nothing else.

What divine peace awaits on the other side of the crazy barrier?

Think about it! How luxurious it would be to throw up one's hands, and relinquish all responsibility. Lying in a hospital bed, curled into a comfy fetal postion, watching TV. No more worrying about all the things everyone else needs from me. Don’t have to worry about paying bills, or trying to make a living, don’t have to worry about my dogs, or losing 100 lbs, or health insurance, or what my hair looks like, or how to get rid of the ants and crickets in the back yard, or maintaining the one car we have, or how I'm going to get my father-in-law to his doctor appointment without pissing off my boss. Hell - there'd be no more worrying about pleasing my boss at all! Maybe if I just go stark, raving, apeshit, face-twitching crazy - he'll see one person can't do 3 people's jobs.

No more decisions. No more feeling guilty because no matter how much I do, there's twice as much NOT done. No more taking care of anything, or anyone, the state would have to take care of ME! No trying to figure out what to fix for dinner that will please everyone in my super-picky family. No need to decide what to make MYSELF for dinner - nurses would bring me food! And the dishes would be magically whisked away, ELSEWHERE, to be washed.

I wouldn’t even have to get up to use the bathroom...they've invented BEDPANS! YEAH!!!!

I would be deliciously medicated and numb. Cruising Stonerville all day long. Modern medicine has given us a cornucopia of mind-erasing drugs. Maybe if I'm crazy enough, they'll double my dosage. The twitching and drooling would slowly ease, to be replaced by tranquility, a vacant stare and a vapid smile. You would think I'm looking at you, but I'm really asleep with my eyes open. I wouldn't even know you're there, let alone care.

Ahh, blissfull, worry-free, breakdown-induced craziness. I would have all the troubles, drama and responsibilities of a vegetable.

The downside? I'd BE a vegetable.

That's a big downside.

So I suppose, if this were an actual conversation with someone, this is where they'd say, "That which doesn't kill us serves to make us stronger", or, "God doesn't give us a heavier load than we can bear". That IS a load. Of crap. Sometimes I need to be the not-so-strong one.

Yeah, yeah, I know...yadda, yadda, yadda, I am woman, hear me roar. Just please listen carefully, and know the difference between a roar of triumph, and a wail of despair.

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