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Sunday, December 14, 2008

WTF! I've discovered a new whole new law of physics!

How come is it, that I can get 3/4 tank of dollar-fitty gas, or I can get 3/4 tank of FOUR-fitty gas, but the the four-fitty gas burns up twice as quick as the dollar-fitty gas? WTF!

I mean, I can get gas on my way to work Monday morning for $4.5o/gallon, and by Thursday night, (Friday is payday) I am PRAYing I have enough gas to get home from work, and get to the gas station the next morning. But I can get the exact same amount of $1.50 gas on Monday morning, and I can cruise around town all week long, and STILL have gas by the weekend? What the F is THAT? Some new and horrible law of physics?

And I have noticed this phenomenon more now that the price is going DOWN, than I did when it was going up. SO not cool.

But what really torques me off is this; now that the price IS going down, it seems the oil companies CAN make a living off of $40 a barrel after all. So tell me how - HOW - does the price get jacked up to $145 a barrel? I'm suuuure the cost of production has not fluctuated so wildly as to warrant these fluctuations in price. And if they're willing to accept $40, SOMEbody should really answer why the price got so high? What forces in the market, which people in positions to benefit, manipulated the situation so easily?

Ashton Kutcher was on Bill Maher late last season, and the Big 3 bailout was being discussed. While Ashton doesn't usually contribute much in the way of valuable content to the conversation when he's on, he did say one thing that I thought was GENIUS! He suggested the oil companies ought to fund a bailout of the automakers. Sheer brilliance! The oil companies made more money yesterday than God made in his whole life...they wouldn't even notice $25 billion. Hell, they could quadruple that, and it would be a drop in the bucket.

Getting the oil companies to bail out Detroit is a perfect solution. They're butt-buddies anyway, they work in colusion all the time. I would bet my ass, (which is a considerable bet, by the way), that one of the reasons the price is so low now, is because the Big 3 went begging to Big Oil in hopes that people would start buying the gas-guzzlers again, and they could unload some of that costly inventory. Unfortunately for them, I think Americans have finally wised up. Even with these low gas prices, people have not regained an appetite for big-ass cars, and we haven't resumed driving as many miles. We're just waiting for the other shoe to drop. We know gas won't be this cheap for very long. We won't get fooled again. At least I hope not.

1 comment:

  1. funny post. you may be the first blogger to incorporate the term "butt-buddies". not sure on that one though. :) btw (by the way for uncivilized folk) i pump my gas with my eyes closed. works every time!
